Indirect end-label analysis of chromatin structure of 314-17Δ80lacZΔNco, which bears the GAL4-CYC1-lacZ reporter gene. MNase cleavage sites in chromatin (lanes C) and DNA (lanes D) were mapped relative to a PvuII site that is 400 bp upstream of the GAL4-binding site (UASG). Cell lysates (32) or DNA was digested with MNase at 20 U/ml (lane 1), 5 U/ml (lane 2), 0 U/ml (lane 3), 4 U/ml (lane 4), or 10 U/ml (lane 5). The location of the GAL4 site is indicated by G, and the locations of the two major TATA elements in the CYC1 promoter (45) and the lacZ gene are also indicated. Lanes 1 to 3 and lanes 4 and 5 were taken from separate gels which ran identically (as shown by size markers).