Separability of SF, orientation, and time. (a) Complete STRF for a single V1 neuron. (b) Separability is evaluated in orthogonal SF-orientation, SF-time, and orientation-time planes (see text for details). (c) Linearly separable reconstruction of joint SF-orientation tuning for a typical V1 neuron based on simple marginal sums (red lines) and the first singular vector (green lines). The underlying color map shows measured SF-orientation tuning, and the overlying contours indicate the separable predictions. (d) Histogram shows the mean (±SEM) of the first 10 singular values from the SF-orientation SVD analysis for 52 V1 neurons. The red curve represents the mean (±SEM) percent STRF power accounted for by successive inclusion of additional singular vectors (see text for details). This analysis reveals a high degree of SF-orientation separability in V1. cyc, cycles.