Figure 2.
BDNF increases incorporation of [35S]methionine into a subset of proteins. Total synaptoneurosomal protein was extracted, and proteins were separated by 2D electrophoresis from both control and BDNF-treated samples after radioactive labeling. Proteins with increased 35S label in response to BDNF are marked with open arrowheads. As determined from several independent experiments, the protein at molecular mass 34 kDa (c) was increased by 34% ± 3.9% (n = 8, P < 0 01), at 46 kDa (b) by 43.4% ± 2.4% (n = 6, P < 0.01), and at 56 kDa (a) by 40.4% ± 2.3% (n = 7, P < 0.01). Stated values are means ± SE. Most proteins showed no change and some (marked with filled arrowheads in Inset) were actually reduced in samples treated with BDNF (Right). The intensity ratios (BDNF to control) of spots x, y, and z in the rectangle are 0.78, 0.89, and 0.96, respectively.