Reconstructed entire B-type RNase P RNA and its complex with tRNA. (A) Reconstructed entire RNase P RNA. Nucleotides in P7, P10, P11, and parts of P9 and P10.1 of B. stearothermophilus RNA structure used in superimposition are colored in purple. The missing substructure, imposed from the B. subtilis S-domain structure, is colored in red. (B) Photoaffinity crosslinking data (9, 10) used in reconstruction of the complex with tRNA. S-domain of RNase P RNA (Left) is colored in gray. Colored spheres in tRNA (Right) represent different sites of photoagent attachment. Colored spheres in RNase P RNA represent sites of crosslinking by those photoagents within the RNase P-tRNA complex. (C) Reconstructed complex. Small gray spheres indicate nucleotide G230. Reconstruction was performed interactively with the computer program o (13); high-resolution tRNAphe structure (PDB ID code 1EH Z; ref. 53) was used in the modeling.