Illustrative three-disk subproblem with plans and move by problem
state. In this example, the initial configuration has disks 1, 2, and 3
in column a and disks 4 and 5 in column c. The goal state is to build a
tower of all five disks in column c. The intermediate states shown here
are the problem states in the optimal solution path, as determined by
the strategy with which participants were trained. The plan and
eventual move for each transition are shown below the corresponding
problem states in the solution path. The succinct description of the
strategy with which subjects were trained is described as follows:
(i) Select the largest out-of-place disk and the
destination peg. (ii) If there is no disk blocking the
move, make the move and go to step i.
(iii) If the largest disk blocking the move is on the
destination, select it and the other peg and go to step
ii. (iv) If the largest disk blocking the
move is on the source, select it and the other peg and go to step
ii. For example, the first move in this problem requires
three planning steps resulting in the actual move of disk 1 to column c
(actual moves are indicated in boldface). Each problem solved in the
scanner was designed to include two of this type of three-disk
subproblems. These subproblems are the focus of all analyses