Courtship chaining. For of C309/shiTS, 16 groups (8–10 males each) were observed; for C309/shiTS/Cha-gal80, n = 8. Grouped males were first measured at 25°C for ChI determinations (12, 13); these values were all 0. Fly containers were then shifted 30°C and had further ChIs determined. The C309/traF (n = 16) C309/UAS-fruMIR (n = 8) types and accompanying single-transgenic controls were always at 25°C. Additional observations of C309/UAS-fruMIR males were made after these flies had been reared at 29°C; the average ChI was 0 (n = 8 groups). One-way ANOVA on arcsine-transformed ChI values, with GENOTYPE as the main effect, revealed differences among groups (F[6,82] = 68.14, P < 0.0001). Subsequent pairwise comparisons showed that C309/shiTS at 30°C chained significantly more than C309/traF males (P < 0.05); both types exhibited much higher levels of chaining than the single-transgenic controls (P < 0.05). Although UAS-traF males (n = 10 groups) showed very brief moments of chaining, their behavior was not significantly different from that of UAS-shiTS (n = 17) or C309 (n = 11) control groups. The behavior of C309/fruMIR males was statistically equivalent to those exhibited by singly transgenic control males; the very low ChI values for groups of C309/traF/gal80 (n = 9) or C309/shiTS/gal80 males were not significantly different from the behavior of control males.