Fig. 4.
Diminished fruitless expression in the CNS caused by a feminizing or a demasculinizing transgene. Double labeling of CNS adult male tissue from C309/UAS-egfp/UAS-traF (A–C) and 25°C-reared C309/UAS-egfp/UAS-fruMIR (D–F). (A) Anterior view of traF-affected brain (magnification, ×40), showing marked reductions of coexpressing white cells within clusters 2, 5, 7, and 8, compared with the roughly corresponding images in Fig. 3; similar degrees of reduction appeared within: Pro-, meso-, and metathoracic VNC regions (B, displayed from left to right, ventral views at ×52 magnification), which contain FRUM clusters 16, 17, and 18 (Table 2). (C) Abdominal ganglion, containing VNC cluster 20 (at ×52 magnification). (D) Anterior view of fruMIR-affected brain at ×40 magnification; the reduction of coexpressing cells is not as dramatic as in A–C, as was the case for thoracic ganglia (E, ×40 magnification) and the abdominal ganglion (F, ×40 magnification).