Figure 2.
Silicon levels (peak-to-background ratio; PBR) of digestive cell granules from L. stagnalis exposed to SSW without added metal (control) or sublethal concentrations of Al (500 μg/liter), Zn (100 μg/liter), or Cd (50 μg/liter) for 30 days. Intracellular Si levels of small (A), green (B), and yellow (C) granules in digestive gland cells (digestive cells/excretory cells; refs. 16 and 17) are increased in L. stagnalis challenged with Al but not other metal ions. Intracellular measurements were by XRMA in tissue sections prepared for TEM. Values are means + SE (A–C, n = 100 granules per group). *, P < 0.0001 (one-way ANOVA), Al vs. control, for all granules. No significant increase for other metal ions vs. control.