Real-time PCR detection of HIV-1 proviral DNA in genomic DNA isolated from nontransfected M4C8 cells and cells expressing the RNase P-associated U5 EGS molecules following exposure to HIV-1 (moi = 0.01) at 12 h postinfection. (A) Real-time PCR amplification curves for genomic DNA samples to detect the presence of proviral HIV-1 DNA. (B) Real-time PCR amplification curves for genomic DNA samples to detect the internal control B7 gene. ×, Negative control; +, HIV-1 DNA; ▵, M4C8 + U5 EGS (560) 0 h; ▴, M4C8 + U5 EGS (560) 12 h; □, M4C8 0 h; ■, M4C8 12 h; ○, M4C8 + U5 EGS (560D) 0 h; ●, M4C8 + U5 EGS (560D) 12 h.