Decay of expected value of , as a function of genetic distance, for different growth models (sample size of 100 chromosomes). From top to bottom, the four models are as follows: constant population size of Ne=104 (unbroken line); population-growth onset 500 generations ago—that is, 104 years ago, under the assumption that there are 20 years per generation (dotted line); population-growth onset 5,000 generations ago (short-dashed line); and the model used by Kruglyak (1999) (see the “Model Predictions” section) (long-dashed line). In two growth models (dotted line and short-dashed line), the current population was fixed at 105. Except in the Kruglyak model, the parameters were chosen to match the amount of genetic diversity seen in humans (see text). In each of 104 simulations, 10 SNPs with a minor-allele frequency ⩾.2 were chosen.