Table 5.
Variable | Coefficient | SE | t | P |
Intercept | −10.94494 | 2.88816 | … | … |
ln(BMI) | 5.18221 | .75648 | 6.85 | <.00001 |
Male | −3.56098 | .87599 | −4.065 | .00005 |
ln(triglycerides) | 1.64048 | .59597 | 2.753 | .00594 |
EA | −.19726 | .04202 | −4.694 | <.00001 |
Current smoker | .83452 | .14108 | 5.915 | <.00001 |
ln(insulin) | .18478 | .05211 | 3.546 | .00040 |
ln(HDL) | −1.0518 | .2822 | −3.727 | .00020 |
Sex × ln(triglycerides) | .50974 | .07917 | 6.439 | <.00001 |
Sex × smoking | −.39441 | .0877 | −4.497 | <.00001 |
ln(BMI) × ln(triglycerides) | −.6605 | .17643 | −3.744 | .00019 |
Sex × ln(HDL) | .51058 | .17352 | 2.942 | .00328 |
Note.— t statistics and P values were calculated from the coefficients and SEs within the best-fit multivariate model by the haplo.glm function of the haplo.stats R package.
Subjects with missing data at any predictor variable were excluded from this analysis.