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. 2005 May 16;77(1):64–77. doi: 10.1086/431366

Table 8.

Association of CRP Haplotypes with Plasma CRP Level at Year 15[Note]

Variable tagSNP alleles Haplotype Frequencya Coefficient SE t P
Intercept −7.1203 .0745
EA −.0405 .0495 −.819 .413
Male −1.69 .1824 −9.265 <.00001
ln(BMI) 2.4717 .0963 25.657 <.00001
ln(insulin) .2016 .0438 4.605 <.00001
ln(triglycerides) −.4544 .0671 −6.771 <.00001
Current smoker .7411 .1456 5.09 <.00001
H1 ACACCAA .0378 −.2275 .0717 −3.172 .00153
H2 ACAGCAA .2262 Referent
H3 ACAGCGA .0414 −.0335 .0706 −.475 .635
H4 ACAGCGG .2231 .0534 .0386 1.381 .167
H5 ATTGCGA .205 .2125 .0391 5.437 <.00001
H6 TTAGCGA .0733 .5219 .0573 9.107 <.00001
H7 AAAGCGA .0475 .3152 .066 4.778 <.00001
H8 AAAGAGA .096 .2044 .0531 3.851 .00012
Otherb .0496 .1552 .0725 2.142 .0323
Sex × ln(triglycerides) .4801 .0418 11.487 <.00001
Sex × smoking −.3583 .0914 −3.918 .00009

Note.— t statistics and P values were calculated from the coefficients and SEs within the best-fit multivariate model by the haplo.glm function of the haplo.stats R package.


Haplotype frequencies were inferred using the EM algorithm within the haplo.stats package.


Haplotypes with frequency <1% were pooled as “Other.”

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure