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. 2005 May 25;77(1):78–88. doi: 10.1086/431652

Table 1.

Summary of CNPs Detected by Array CGH[Note]

No. of CNPs
Ethnic Group No. of SubjectsAnalyzed Gains Losses Showing BothGain and Loss Detected inPresent Study Detected bySebat et al. (2004) Detected byIafrate et al. (2004) Novel
American Indians 7 9 22 13 44 18 9 22
Sub-Saharan Africans 16 27 31 17 75 24 14 43
Whites 12 17 22 12 51 16 13 25
Asians 12 26 27 15 68 21 14 37
 Nonredundant total 47 52 50 17 119 22 21 73

Note.— CNPs were scored as either increased or decreased log2 ratios (i.e., gains or losses), relative to the reference DNA. In total, 46 (39%) of 119 of the CNPs we identified have been reported previously, which thus validates the ability of our array to detect known copy-number variations. In our sample population, we identified 22 (71%) of the 31 CNPs detected by Sebat et al. (2004) and 22 (39%) of the 57 CNPs detected by Iafrate et al. (2004) that were represented on the SD microarray.