In vitro assembly of archaeal sR1 sRNA into an RNP
complex. In vitro transcribed RNAs were uniformly
labeled with [α-32P]ATP and used in gel mobility
retardation assays to monitor interaction with recombinant aL7a
protein. S. acidocaldarius C/D box sR1 sRNA (0.2 pmol)
(A), or RNase P RNA (1 pmol) (B), was
mixed with increasing amounts of recombinant aL7a protein (0 to 8 pmol
per assay) at 0°C, transferred to 70°C for 10 min, separated on a
nondenaturing 10% polyacrylamide gel, and visualized by
autoradiography. The competition assays contained radiolabeled sR1 RNA
(0.2 pmol), aL7a protein (1 pmol), and nonradiolabeled competitor sR1
(C), or RNase P (D) RNAs (0.02 to 20
pmol). T, transcript. To detect higher-order complexes,
uniformly labeled sR1 transcript (0.2 pmol) was mixed with one or more
of the proteins (1 pmol of each protein per reaction) at 0°C,
transferred to 70°C for 10 min, separated on a nondenaturing 6%
polyacrylamide gel, and visualized by autoradiography
(E). The positions of free transcript, complex I (sR1
sRNA–aL7a), complex II (sR1 sRNA–aL7a–aNOP56), and complex III (sR1
sRNA–aL7a–aNOP56–aFIB) are indicated. A secondary structural model
of sR1s RNA is depicted (F). The aL7a protein is
predicted to bind to the loops generated by the C/D or C′/D′ motifs
(indicated by *). The base predicted to rotate out of the loop
and insert into the pocket of the protein is the first U residue in the
C or C′ box sequence and is highlighted in black (20).