Mass spectrometric identification of coimmunoprecipiting proteins. Bands A, B, and C from H295R cell extracts (Fig. 1B, lane 3) were excised, digested in-gel with trypsin and analyzed on a PE Biosystems Voyager DE STR MALDI-TOF. Peptide masses were used to search the nonredundant NCBI database via the ProFound application. (A) Band A matched TCP-1α with a probability of 0.99 with 14% protein coverage. The next best match had a probability 0.004. (B) Band B matched TCP-1θ with probability 0.83 with 21% protein coverage. The next best match had probability 0.11 and was a human cytokeratin. When peaks suspected to result from keratin contamination were deleted from the search data, the probability of the TCP-1θ match rose to 1.0. (C) Band C matched TCP-1β with a probability of 0.98 with 20% protein coverage. The next best match had probability 0.002. (Inset) Tables showing matched peptides, comparing the observed masses (MWobs) with the calculated molecular weights (MWcalc). All masses are monoisotopic and are given as the M+H. Masses at m/z 842, 1045, and 2211 result from trypsin autolysis and were not used in the search.