Summary of the folding kinetics. The observed folding pathways, with their branching ratios, are illustrated. The ratios for the mutant are indicated in parentheses. For each structure, the native-like features are circled or boxed in green. Just before entering two of the three pathways (i.e., the helix-hairpin 1 and helix-hairpin 2 pathways), the helix forms as a result of stabilization by contacts with the β1 or β2 strand (labeled “helix-β1 or -β2”). As expected from its marginal stability (see Simulation Method), helix formation is initiated only when it makes contacts with the strands. After formation of the intermediate, all three pathways converge to a common rate-limiting step, which is the formation of the specific nucleus. Structures exhibiting native-like W43 burial are enclosed in a dotted orange box.