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. 2005 Aug;43(8):3944–3955. doi: 10.1128/JCM.43.8.3944-3955.2005


Species and phylotypes significantly associated with disease and health (P < 0.1)

Clinical status and overall rank Species and/or phylotype P
Presence (between subjectsc)
Between sitesa Between subjectsb
    6 Peptostreptococcus sp. oral clone BS044 0.07
    7 Filifactor alocis 0.04
    15 Peptostreptococcus sp. oral clone CK035 0.06 0.05 0.06
    16 Megasphaera sp. oral clone BB166 0.01 0.009
    17 Desulfobulbus sp. oral clone CH031 0.03
    19 Dialister pneumosintes 0.01 0.002
    20 Campylobacter sputorum sputorum 0.008 0.06
    24 Desulfobulbus sp. oral clone R004 0.006 0.001
    27 Campylobacter sp. oral clone BB120 0.03 0.008
    36 Selenomonas sp. oral clone D0042 0.01 0.002
    50 Deferribacteres sp. oral clone W090 0.03 0.008
    53 Megasphaera sp. oral clone MCE3_141 0.003 0.0003
    54 Selenomonas sp. oral clone EY047 0.031
    90 Dialister sp. oral clone MCE7_134 0.06 0.01
    100 Catonella sp. oral clone BR063 0.01 0.002
    118 Tannerella forsythia (Bacteroides forsythus) 0.03
    119 Deferribacteres sp. oral clone BH007 0.01
    123 Streptococcus sp. oral strain 9F 0.05 0.01
    129 Atopobium sp. oral clone C019 0.03
    140 Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 0.03
    151 Eubacterium sp. oral strain A35MT 0.04
    153 Megasphaera sp. oral clone BS073 0.01 0.002
    154 Selenomonas flueggei-like sp. clone AH132 0.03
    165 Treponema sp. strain 6:H:D15A-4 0.04
    172 Streptococcus sp. oral clone DP009 0.04 0.008
    1 Veillonella sp. oral clone X042 0.0008
    2 Campylobacter gracilis 0.04 0.02
    21 Abiotrophia adiacens 0.003 0.007
    31 Eubacterium saburreum 0.0009 0.005
    38 Campylobacter showae 0.05 0.02
    42 Gemella sp. strain 1754-94 0.009 0.002
    44 Streptococcus sanguis 0.01 0.002
    49 Capnocytophaga gingivalis 0.02 0.05
    81 Streptococcus mutans 0.02 0.003
    133 Abiotrophia sp. oral clone P4PA_155 P1 0.03
    145 Rothia dentocariosa 0.03
    150 Eubacterium sp. oral clone OH3A 0.04
    155 Selenomonas sp. oral clone DS051 0.03

Comparison of levels between deep and shallow sites in subjects with periodontitis by Wilcoxon signed-rank test.


Comparison of levels between healthy and subjects with periodontitis by Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance.


Comparison of presence or absence of species by chi-square test.