FIG. 1.
Cluster analysis of the (GTG)5 fingerprints and toxin production of B. cereus isolates. As listed in the Isolatea column, the following isolates have been deposited in the BCCM/LMG Bacteria Collection (Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium): 5975a (LMG 22728); 5965c (LMG 22729); 5972a (LMG 22730); 5969a (LMG 22731); 5958c (LMG 22732); 5964a (LMG 22733). Toxin titerb column: emetic and enterotoxin titers detected on the basis of cytotoxicity assays. cerc column: emetic toxin-specific marker detected in the PCR assay. The reference strain for emetic toxin production is identified with a superscript “d” suffix in the Isolatea column. The reference strain for enterotoxin production is identified with a superscript “e” suffix. ND, not determined.