Species-specific direct hybridization probes
Probe | Species or strain identified | Probe sequence | Probe signal range (AFU)
Min ratio of signalsc | |
Negativea | Positiveb | ||||
Alb7 | Candida albicans | TATTTTGCATGCTGCTCTCTC | 0-58 | 299-1,268 | 5.2 |
Dub5 | C. dubliniensis | TATTTTGCAAGTTACTCTTTC | 0-98 | 676-934 | 6.9 |
Fari2 | Stephanoascus farinosus | TTGGTTTGTAACGATCAACT | 0-161 | 843 | 5.2 |
Glab5 | C. glabrata | TTGCCTCTCGTGGGCTTGGGA | 0 | 466-743 | NAd |
Hellen2 | Zygoascus hellenicus | AAGGGATCTAAATCAGACAT | 0-100 | 792 | 7.9 |
HemC | C. haemulonii | AACGAGCAGTCGATGTAGTACA | 0 | 921-1,219 | NA |
HemIIB | C. haemulonii type II | AAAGTGGGAGCTGATGTAGCAAC | 0-71 | 757-1,031 | 10.7 |
KrusF | C. krusei | GAGGACTGCGCCGTGTAGG | 0-70 | 2,015-2,463 | 28.8 |
Lusit2 | Clavispora lusitaniae | CGGGCCAGCGTCAAATAAAC | 0 | 269 | NA |
Malt5 | C. maltosa | TATAGCCACTGTCGATACTG | 0-251 | 1,389 | 5.5 |
Nee5 | C. neerlandica | AGGAGAATCGCTTGGGAACG | 0-201 | 2,058 | 10.2 |
Pcifer3 | Pichia ciferrii | AAGATAATAGCAGTTAAATG | 0-521e | 2,775 | 5.3 |
SojC | C. sojae | GCCTTCGTAGATACTGC | 0-611f | 1,279-1,419 | 2.1 |
SP12 | Candida sp. strain NRRL Y-17456 | GGACAATTGCAAAGAAATGT | 0-50 | 1,301-1,373 | 26 |
VisA | C. viswanathiig | GCGGCAGGACAATCGCGTGG | 0-100 | 791-1,271 | 7.9 |
UniD | All species tested | GTGAAATTGTTGAAAGGGAA | NA | 782-5,571 | NA |
Range of adjusted fluorescence values for all negative strains after subtraction of background from a water blank negative.
Range of AFU for all positive strains after subtraction of background.
The min ratio is the lowest recorded positive value divided by the highest recorded negative value.
NA, adjusting the fluorescence values of negative strains by subtracting background resulted in no discernable signals above background for all negative strains for these probes, and min ratios therefore could not be calculated.
C. silvicultrix gave a signal of 521 AFU. All other strains recorded less than 97 AFU.
C. tropicalis and L. elongisporus strains cross-reacted with SojC at about 50% of the signal of C. sojae strains. See text for discussion. All other strains were recorded at less than 330 AFU.
C. viswanathii includes C. lodderae.