(A) SDS-PAGE profiles of whole-cell protein extracts of representative strains of S. porcinus, S. agalactiae, and S. pyogenes. Lanes 1, 6, and 10, molecular size markers (in kilodaltons); lane 2, S. porcinus SS-1029; lane 3, S. porcinus 1533-95; lane 4, S. porcinus 2885-95; lane 5, S. porcinus 3676-95; lane 7, S. porcinus 4188-95; lane 8, S. porcinus 4189-95; lane 9, S. porcinus 663-96; lane 11, S. agalactiae SS-617; lane 12, S. agalactiae SS-1073; lane 13, S. pyogenes SS-103; lane 14, S. pyogenes SS-745. (B) Dendrogram resulting from computer-assisted analysis of protein profiles of S. porcinus strains included in the present study. UPGMA was used for clustering the correlation coefficients (expressed as percentages). The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used for calculating the percentage of similarities among the profiles. The scale represents the average percentage of similarity.