Resistance patterns of the 342 M. tuberculosis complex isolates obtained in this study
Resistance patterna | No. of isolates |
HRSEZ | 19 |
HRSE | 1 |
HRSZ | 2 |
HREZ | 5 |
HRS | 2 |
HR | 1 |
SE | 1 |
HS | 10 |
H | 6 |
R | 2 |
S | 33 |
Susceptible to all five drugs | 260 |
Total | 342 |
H, isoniazid; R, rifampin; S, streptomycin; E, ethambutol; and Z, pyrazinamide. Resistance was determined with the indirect drug susceptibility assay of the BACTEC MGIT 960 system.