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Growth properties and sequences of A24Cruz viruses recovered from BHK transfected cells

RNA sourcea Encoded amino acid sequenceb Transfected cell line Virus growth, plaque phenotypec Emergent amino acid sequenced Additional P1 amino acid changes (expt 1/expt 2)e
A24-RRGD (wt) RRGDMGS BHK-21 +++, C RRGDMGS None/none
BHK3αvβ6 +++, C -------
A24-RSGD (B9-like) SGDMES BHK-21 +++, C -----E- None/none
BHK3αvβ6 +++, T -S---E-
A24-R*SGD RSGDMES BHK-21 ++, T -S---A- None/none
BHK3αvβ6 +++, T -S---E-
A24-K*SGD KSGDMES BHK-21 ++, T KS---A- None/VP2 (D85H)
BHK3αvβ6 +++, T KS---E- None/none
A24-*E*SGD ESGDMES BHK-21 ++, T ES---A- None/none
BHK3αvβ6 +++, T ES---A- None/VP3 (E196V), VP4 (N41K)

Transfections with transcript RNAs derived from the indicated sources were carried out as described in Materials and Methods. Transfections were repeated twice in each cell line. The * indicates that a double mutation was introduced in the coding sequence of the amino acid just downstream of the symbol relative to the sequence found in the wild-type (RGD) virus. wt, wild type.


Sequence of amino acids 143 to 149 of VP1.


Growth properties of wild-type and mutant FMDVs. +++, wild-type growth; ++, slower than wild-type growth. Plaque phenotype on BHK-21 cell monolayers stained at 48 hours postinoculation was scored as turbid (T) or clear (C).


Virus derived from two independent transfections in BHK-21 or BHK3αvβ6 cells was passaged two additional times in the same cell line and the P1 sequences were determined. The wild-type A24Cruz virus 143-149 VP1 sequence encoding the RGD triplet (underlined) is displayed; the dashes represent conserved residues, and the emergent mutations from the original cDNA are indicated in boldface letters.


The result of two transfection experiments is indicated.