Fig. 3.
Dwell-time histograms for MV-6IQ-S1. Data are shown for both pulling forward (•, mimicking a trailing head) or pulling backward (□, mimicking a leading head). Data are fit as two sequential rates fk1,k2(t) = {k1 k2/(k1 – k2)} × (e–k2t – e–k1t) or fit as a single exponential rate f(t) = ke–kt. (A) At 1,000 μM ATP, the forward pulling is fit to a single rate of 15 s–1 (n = 532). The backward-pulling distribution fits to a single rate of 1.5 s–1 (n = 398). (B) At 10 μM ATP, the forward pulling is fit to two rates (n = 1,071), and the backward pulling is fit to a single rate (n = 1,222). The dashed line is a fit to two rates, 1.7 and 24 s–1. The deviation shows that any other steps other than the 1.6-s–1 observed off rate must be ≫24 s–1. (C) At 1,000 μM ATP, the forward pulling is fit to a single rate of 3.7 s–1 (n = 662) and the backward pulling is fit to 1.3 s–1 (n = 553). (D) Dwell-time histogram for MV-4IQ-S1 at 10 μM ATP.