FIG. 1.
Circular representation of pCooKm. The concentric circles represent, from the outside in, the following: 1 + 2, coding sequences on the forward and reverse strands (red, plasmid functions [replication, partition, maintenance, etc.]; green, cell surface structures; pink, IS elements and phage proteins; white, virulence and drug resistance; yellow, metabolic proteins; blue, regulators; purple, unknown; orange, conserved hypothetical; brown, pseudogenes); 3, DR1 and DR2 shown as green arcs; 4, IS elements and group II introns shown as blue blocks, with the unique regions between, designated with lowercase italic letters a through k in the text and indicated in bold in the figure; 5, PCR-amplified regions, labeled in uppercase letters A through L; 6, G+C content (window size, 700 bp; step, 50 bp); 7, GC bias [(G-C)/(G+C)] (window size, 1,000 bp; step, 50 bp); values of >1 for khaki and <1 for magenta. The radial lines indicate the site of recombination between DR1 and DR2 that resolves pCoo into two smaller plasmids. The blue labels in the center indicate the R64-like and R100-like sections of pCoo.