FIG. 3.
Protein gel electrophoresis of chiA gene product expressed in S. maltophilia strains. (A) Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of extracellular proteins isolated from 3-day-old culture filtrates. Lane M, broad-range molecular size markers (in kilodaltons). Lane 1, wild-type strain 34S1; lane 2, chitinase mutant strain C5; lane 3, strain C5(pXMC431). (B) Chitinase active protein bands from culture filtrates detected in native gels using 4-MU-(GlcNAc)2. (Gel is not in alignment with gels in panels A and B.) Native gels stained with 4-MU-(GlcNAc)3 (not shown) produced identical activity banding patterns. Lane 1, wild-type strain 34S1; lane 2, chitinase mutant strain C5; lane 3, strain C5(pXMC431). (C) Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of chitinase protein purified from 3-day-old culture filtrate of S. maltophilia strain 34S1 by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Lane 1, purified chitinase; lane M, broad-range molecular size markers.