Phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between some Burkholderia species and soil-derived clones. The tree was constructed based on the fragment amplified by the Burkholderia-specific primers at positions 155 to 663 of the 16S rDNA (E. coli numbering [10]), using the neighbor-joining method (37). A bootstrap analysis was performed with 100 repetitions, and only values greater than 50 are shown. The GenBank accession number for each strain is enclosed in brackets. The bacterial sequence most closely related to each clone and the level of identity are shown after the clone designation. Soil clones Ba03, Ba12, Bb01, Bb04, and Bb05 also exhibited similarity to unculturable eubacterium WD2116 (accession number AJ292648) (96, 96, 98, 98, and 98% identity, respectively). Soil clone Bb08 exhibited 98% identity with unculturable eubacterium WD2120 (accession number AJ292661); soil clone Rd12 exhibited 99% identity with unculturable eubacterium WD263 (accession number AJ262641); and soil clone Re07 exhibited 96% similarity with unculturable eubacterium WD211 (accession number AJ292651). The letters in the clone designations indicate the following: B, bulk soil; R, rhizosphere soil; a and d, plot 47; b and e, plot 31.