Checkpoint competence of BUB1 genomic alleles. (A) Cell cycle arrest. Logarithmically growing cultures of strains containing integrated alleles were transferred to YPD + 15 μg/ml nocodazole. At t = 0, 4, 6, and 8 h after shift into nocodazole, aliquots were formaldehyde fixed and stained with DAPI. Two hundred cells from each were scored for the arrested fraction (large-budded uninucleate cells), and the mean ± standard deviation for three independent integrants is shown. The strains were YPH278, YFP2, YCD371, YCD358, YCD281, and YCD280. (B) Failure of cell cycle arrest. The same samples were scored for the fraction of cells that exhibited multibudded uninucleate cells, an indication mitotic exit in the absence of nuclear division. (C) Anti-Bub1p immunoprecipitates from the genotypes indicated were analyzed by Western blot for the presence and abundance of Bub1 protein (as described in Brady and Hardwick, 2000). Immunoprecipitation product from the wild-type cells was loaded in a dilution series (1, 0.5, and 0.25) for comparison with lanes containing immunoprecipitations from mutant extracts. The strains were YFP2, YPH278, YCD280, and YCD281.