Figure 4.
Expansion of spongiotrophoblast in Ipl-null placentas. (A) Midline placental sections (hematoxylin/eosin) from the IplloxP line at 16.5 dpc. There is a global increase in placental size with deletion of Ipl, but the spongiotrophoblast (sp) is expanded disproportionately. la, labyrinthine trophoblast. (B) Ratios of the area of spongiotrophoblast to labyrinth (Spong/Lab) in midline sections of placentas from heterozygous crosses (16.5 dpc). Data from single crosses are shown. In data from four heterozygous crosses with the IplloxP line, combined after normalization to the mean value for each cross, the ratio was 1.22 ± 0.20 and 0.78 ± 0.13 for the Ipl-null (Neg) and Ipl-positive (Pos) placentas, respectively (n = 34). (C) High-power fields of Ipl-positive and Ipl-negative placentas. The panels on the left are from the Iplneo line at 12.5 dpc (PAS). Lines indicate the giant cell layer (gc) adjacent to maternal decidua (ma). The panels on the right are at 16.5 dpc (hematoxylin/eosin) centered on the spongiotrophoblast. There is expansion of this layer with an increase of glycogen-containing cells (arrow).