GRIP1 is expressed in the developing nervous system and epidermis. Whole-mount staining of GRIP1+/− E16 embryos shows GRIP1tau-LacZ expression in the olfactory nerve (a). GRIP1 is also expressed in the optic nerve (b, on), olfactory epithelium (b, oe), cochlea (c, co), motor axons (d, ma), dorsal root ganglia (d, drg), nerve of the dorsal root ganglia (e, dn), and motor neurons (f, mn), as assessed by β-galactosidase staining on transverse (b–d) and sagittal (e and f) sections. Notably, β-galactosidase activity was also present in the skin (f, s). Immunostaining with antibodies specific for GRIP 1 (g) and pan-cadherin (h) of skin sections from wt embryos revealed GRIP1 expression in the basal epithelial cells (g). The expression of cadherin in the BMZ (h) colocalizes with that of GRIP1 in the BMZ (arrowheads), as shown by overlapping staining of the GRIP1 and pan-cadherin antibodies (i). Sections were obtained from GRIP1+/− E16 (b and c), E14 (d–f), and wt E12 (g–i) embryos. (Magnifications: a, ×3; b, ×7; c and d, ×15; e and f, ×20; and g–i, ×60.)