Receptor-specific induction or repression of genes during phagocytosis. (A) Differentially expressed genes identified in both C3bi and IgG/C3bi (CR-specific) or IgG and IgG/C3bi (FcR-specific) stimulated PMNs are labeled as C3bi and IgG/C3bi and IgG and IgG/C3bi, respectively. CC, cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors; MT, metabolism and trafficking; ST, receptors and signal transduction; T, transcription and RNA/DNA binding; APO, apoptosis and cell cycle; CH, cell adhesion and host defense; ?, unknown function. (B) Taqman verification of microarray results. Genes (n = 19) identified as differentially transcribed by Affymetrix microarrays were selected for confirmation by Taqman real-time PCR. Inset illustrates the correlation (r = 0.81) between real-time PCR and microarray analyses.