Three-dimensional structure of TYLCV Rep4–121.
(A) Stereoview displaying best-fit superposition of the
final ensemble (residues 6 to 119) of 30 conformers with the lowest
dyana (21) target function (PDB ID ). The protein
backbone (N, Cα, CO) is shown in black, and the side chains are
colored according to residue type (YFW: brown; D,E: red; K,R,H: blue;
A,V,L,I,P: green; T,S,C: yellow; N,Q: magenta). The coordinate
precision for the protein backbone heavy atoms is 0.48 Å.
(B and C) Ribbon representations of the
TYLCV Rep4–121 regularized mean structure (PDB ID ).
The central 5-stranded β-sheet is shown in blue, the small extension
sheet in dark blue, the helix covering the β-sheet in red, the small
2-stranded sheet in green and loops in gray. The helix carrying the
catalytic tyrosine is colored yellow. The strands and helices are
numbered and the N and C termini labeled. Loop residues exhibiting
substantial flexibility (low 15N heteronuclear NOE) or
nondetected NH resonances are colored in orange and magenta,
respectively. In C, selected amino acid side chains are
displayed as well. They either belong to the conserved sequence motifs
or occupy equivalent positions to those implicated in ss- or
dsDNA/RNA binding of structurally related proteins (see Fig. 4).