Fig 1.
Differential expression of the Eph receptors in the medial and lateral hippocampus. Sagital mouse brain sections of different developmental stages were hybridized with radio-labeled anti-sense probes of 6 EphA receptors (EphA3-A8). The expression of EphA1 and -A2 was not examined because they lack significant expression in developing brain (8). Top two panels on the left show bright field photomicrographs of E18 medial and lateral hippocampus, respectively. The hybridized parasagittal sections were stained with thionin to show hippocampal cytoarchitecture. Other panels show darkfield images of the E18 brain sections hybridized with anti-sense receptor probes indicated. Sense controls showed no specific signals. Medial, medial hippocampus; Lateral, lateral hippocampus. (Scale bar: 250 μm.)