Comparison of NJ and MP trees. The tree shown is
an NJ tree subjected to 5,000 bootstrap trials. Bootstrap values are
shown as percentages with MP bootstrap values shown in parentheses.
Differences in the MP tree are denoted by bold lines (multifurcations)
and dashed arrow (variable position), and an asterisk indicates rooting
at the base of the tree. Note the distribution of cyanobacterial
sequences in the tree: two sequences from Anabaena sp. PCC
7120 and N. punctiforme branch with vascular plants; two
sequences from N. punctiforme and Synechococcus
branch distantly with Thermotogales and Proteobacteria; and three
sequences from Synechocystis, N. punctiforme, and
Anabaena, which are most likely CSL proteins, group with
Bacillus subtilis. The high bootstrap values support the
validity of the tree.