Compound 1 reduced production of both LEE-encoded EPEC-secreted proteins and type III apparatus components but not the production of non-virulence-associated proteins. Wild-type EPEC was grown in DMEM for 5 h with 40 μM compound 1 (wt + 1) or DMSO. The ΔescN, ΔescJ, and ΔescC type III secretion apparatus mutants were grown in DMEM for 5 h with the corresponding volume of DMSO. ΔC/C-HSV (short for ΔescC/pescC-HSV) is the escC type III apparatus mutant complemented in trans with a plasmid containing HSV-tagged escC under the control of a tetracycline resistance gene promoter and was grown in DMEM for 5 h with 40 μM compound 1 or DMSO. The bacteria were harvested by centrifugation and lysed in SDS sample buffer. The levels of Tir, EspB, DnaK, DnaJ, MBP, EscJ, EscC, and EscC-HSV were determined by Western blot analysis.