FIG. 6.
T and RI form a complex. (A) Immunoprecipitations were performed with samples containing either ssPhoAΦTCTD (lanes 2 to 4), both ssPhoAΦTCTD and GFPΦRIcmyc (lanes 5 to 7), or GFPΦRIcmyc only (lanes 8 to 10), prepared from induced cells carrying either of the plasmids pZA-ssPhoAΦTCTD or pZE-GFPΦRIcmyc or both. Primary antibodies for immunoprecipitations: lanes 2, 5, and 8, rabbit preimmune serum; lanes 3, 6, and 9, anti-T rabbit antibody; lanes 4, 7, and 10, anti-GFP monoclonal antibody. Samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with either anti-T or polyclonal anti-c-myc, as indicated to the right. (B) Same as panel A, except that the rV variant ssPhoAΦTCTDT75I, produced from the plasmid pZA-ssPhoAΦTCTDT75I, was used. The molecular mass appears in lane 1 for each blot.