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. 2002 Jul 17;4(5):R11. doi: 10.1186/bcr455

Table 3.

Numbers and proportions of cases of interval cancer and second round screen-detected cancer, and likelihood of presentation, by study group and interval cancer status

Reinvited Reattending

Women (n) Women (n)

Study group Total (100%) Yes No % Yes (95% CI) Odds ratioa (95% CI) Yes No % Yes (95% CI) Odds ratioa (95% CI)
All groups
 All 113,409 102,772 10,637 90.6 (90.5–90.8) 97,062 16,347 85.6 (85.4–85.8)
 With interval cancer 375 102 273 27.2 (22.7–31.7) 72 303 19.2 (15.2–23.2)
 Without interval cancer 113,034 102,670 10,364 90.8 (90.7–91.0) 96,990 16,044 85.8 (85.6–86.0)
Nonassessed normal
 All 108,617 98,561 10,056 90.7 (90.6–90.9) 1.00 93,081 15,536 85.7 (85.5–85.9) 1.00
 With interval cancer 329 97 232 29.5 (24.6–34.4) 69 260 21.0 (16.6–25.4)
 Without interval cancer 108,288 98,464 9824 90.9 (90.8–91.1) 93,012 9824 85.9 (85.7–86.1)
Assessed normal
 All 4278 3782 496 88.4 (87.4–89.4) 0.78 (0.71–0.86) 3572 706 83.5 (82.4–84.6) 0.84 (0.78–0.92)
 With interval cancer 42 5 37 11.9 (2.1–21.7) 3 39 7.1 (0–14.9)
 Without interval cancer 4236 3777 459 89.2 (88.2–90.1) 3569 667 84.3 (83.2–85.4)
Assessed benign
 All 514 429 85 83.5 (80.3–86.7) 0.51 (0.41–0.65) 409 105 79.6 (76.1–83.1) 0.65 (0.52–0.81)
 With interval cancer 4 0 4 0 0 4 0
 Without interval cancer 510 429 81 84.1 (81.0–87.3) 409 101 80.2 (76.7–83.7)
All assessed
 All 4792 4211 581 87.9 (87.0–88.8) 0.74 (0.68–0.81) 3981 811 83.1 (82.0–84.1) 0.82 (0.76–0.89)
 With interval cancer 46 5 41 10.9 (1.9–19.9) 3 43 6.5 (0–13.7)
 Without interval cancer 4746 4206 540 88.6 (87.7–89.5) 3978 768 83.8 (82.8–84.9)

a Odds ratios of the likelihood of reinvitation or reattendance among assessed normal, assessed benign or all assessed women versus that in the nonassessed normal group.