Table 5.
Statements related to the specific identity of general practice as a discipline
Reference number* | Statement |
1:23.1* | (EBM) is a new phenomenon... the fundamental question we have to ask ourselves is how does that part of reality, that scientific approach of health and disease fit in the totality of the GP as a person...I do have the strong impression that we are acting too fast, without taking time to reflect on our actions... |
4:23.3 | For me the most difficult thing is getting the diagnosis right and evidence-based. Cough, ... okay cough, but cough is a very complex item... you can't look at it with an evidence-based eye alone. I think that clinical aspects are very important indeed... |
1:153.4 | ... Maybe that is a task for universities to make a serious scientific-philosophic analysis of what is called EBM. A strength-weakness analysis, making the borders clear so that we can resist critics...and becoming dissidents of our own convictions. |
4:36.1 | I think everyone builds some decision trees based on existing knowledge and experience... EBM is another one. We should take the step to try it out at least. But it won't be easy to change a habit in no time. |
*The number of the focus group (first number) does refer to the place of the interview within the hermeneutic unit of the software programme ATLAS-TI, hence it is likely that this number exceeds the number of focus groups reported due to test groups or try-out files that are used within the same hermeneutic unit. *first nr. = focus group/second nr. = citation/third nr. = respondent |