An actively retrotransposing, novel subfamily of mouse L1 elements
Thierry P.Naas, Ralph J.DeBerardinis, John V.Moran, Eric M.Ostertag, Stephen F.Kingsmore, Michael F.Seldin, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Sandra L.Martin and Haig H.Kazazian,Jr
The EMBO Journal, 17, 590–597, 1998
In the above paper the authors reported high-frequency retrotransposition of mouse and human L1 elements in mouse LTK–cells. Recently, they determined that the cells used in those experiments were not mouse LTK–cells, but rather were human TK–cells (143 osteosarcoma cells). The authors have now assayed retrotransposition in mouse LTK–cells and found that they are capable of supporting retrotransposition of both active mouse and human L1 elements, but at frequencies approximately two orders of magnitude less than those reported in the above paper for human 143B osteosarcoma cells.