Fig. 7. Wound healing of wild-type and K5-mTERT (T1) skin. (A) Percentage of initial wound area left 3 and 4 days after the punch was created in a group of six wild-type and six K5-mTERT (T1) mice. Statistical analysis showing that the healing rate is significantly different between genotypes is also shown (P-values). (B and C) Rate of wound healing in two wild-type and K5-TERT (T1) littermate pairs; the results are presented as the percentage of open wound area versus time after wound creation. Closed circles, wild-type mice; open circles, K5-mTERT (T1) transgenics. (D) Gross appearance of healing wounds in a wild-type and a K5-mTERT (T1) mouse 5 and 2 days, for wounds 1 and 2, respectively, after wound creation. Just prior to sacrifice of the mice, a third wound (wound 3) was created as an indicator of initial wound areas.