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. 2005 Oct 15;331(7521):897–900. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7521.897

Table 2.

Pair-wise odds ratios between seven treatments for acute myocardial infarction obtained by direct and multiple treatment comparisons with fixed effect and random effects analyses*

Fixed effect
Random effects
Treatment comparison Direct comparisons Multiple comparison Direct comparisons Multiple comparison
Streptokinase v:
Alteplase 1.00 (0.94 to 1.06) 0.99 (0.94 to 1.06) 0.89 (0.54 to 1.14) 0.96 (0.74 to 1.10)
Accelerated alteplase 0.86 (0.78 to 0.94) 0.86 (0.78 to 0.93) 0.84 (0.68 to 0.99)
Streptokinase+alteplase 0.96 (0.87 to 1.05) 0.96 (0.87 to 1.05) 0.97 (0.75 to 1.25)
Reteplase 0.95 (0.79 to 1.12) 0.90 (0.80 to 1.01) 0.88 (0.65 to 1.06)
Tenecteplase 0.86 (0.74 to 1.00) 0.85 (0.57 to 1.17)
PCTA 0.52 (0.36 to 0.73) 0.63 (0.52 to 0.77) 0.49 (0.20 to 0.91) 0.62 (0.47 to 0.77)
Alteplase v:
Accelerated alteplase 0.86 (0.77 to 0.95) 0.88 (0.70 to 1.19)
Streptokinase+alteplase 0.96 (0.86 to 1.07) 1.02 (0.78 to 1.51)
Reteplase 0.90 (0.79 to 1.02) 0.92 (0.70 to 1.24)
Tenecteplase 0.86 (0.73 to 1.01) 0.90 (0.61 to 1.35)
PCTA 0.63 (0.25 to 1.29) 0.64 (0.51 to 0.77) 0.65 (0.49 to 0.86)
Accelerated alteplase v:
Streptokinase+alteplase 1.12 (1.00 to 1.25) 1.12 (1.01 to 1.24) 1.16 (0.91 to 1.55)
Reteplase 1.02 (0.90 to 1.16) 1.05 (0.94 to 1.17) 1.04 (0.81 to 1.28)
Tenecteplase 1.01 (0.88 to 1.14) 1.01 (0.89 to 1.14) 1.01 (0.74 to 1.35)
PCTA 0.81 (0.64 to 1.02) 0.74 (0.61 to 0.89) 0.79 (0.55 to 1.05) 0.73 (0.59 to 0.90)
Streptokinase+alteplase v:
Reteplase 0.94 (0.82 to 1.07) 0.92 (0.62 to 1.19)
Tenecteplase 0.90 (0.76 to 1.05) 0.89 (0.57 to 1.27)
PCTA 0.66 (0.53 to 0.81) 0.64 (0.45 to 0.85)
Reteplase v:
Tenecteplase 0.96 (0.82 to 1.13) 0.98 (0.68 to 1.43)
PCTA 0.71 (0.57 to 0.87) 0.71 (0.53 to 0.94)
Tenecteplase v PCTA 0.74 (0.58 to 0.92) 0.74 (0.50 to 1.03)

PCTA= primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.


Empty cells represent pair-wise comparisons that have not been evaluated in trials (fixed effect) or for which there are fewer than three trials (random effects).