Position of statoliths in chemically fixed rhizoids that were laterally centrifuged with 0.05g (A, D, and G), 0.14g (B, E, and H), and 0.25g (C, F, and I) for 13 min during the microgravity phase of the MAXUS-5 sounding rocket flight. Centrifugation with 0.25g and 0.14g, but not with 0.05g, induced a displacement of statoliths and settlement of some statoliths onto the centrifugal cell flank. A to C, Micrographs showing the position of statoliths in representative samples of each acceleration level. D to F, Geometric centers of the statolith complexes (black circles represent mean ± se in lateral direction, n ≥ 4). The shape of the statolith complex in one representative rhizoid of each acceleration level (rhizoids are different from those displayed in A–C) is shown in gray. G to I, Distribution of statolith frequency across the cell diameter (n ≥ 4). Arrows indicate direction of centrifugal force. Dashed lines represent median axes of the cells. Diameter of rhizoids, 30 μm.