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. 2001 Sep 3;20(17):4901–4911. doi: 10.1093/emboj/20.17.4901

Table IV. Plasmids used in this study.

Plasmid Description
pBEF101 parA, expressed from parOP in pBR322 (Funnell, 1988a)
pBEF116 parA + parB, expressed from parOP (P1 HindIII–PvuI region in pBR322)
pBEF131 parA + parB::lacZ, expressed from parOP [the 19th codon of parB was fused to lacZ in pMLB1034, a translational fusion vector (Silhavy et al., 1984)]
pBEF198 parA, expressed from T7 promoter in pET17b (Davey and Funnell, 1994)
pBEF230 par XhoI–PvuI fragment in pBlueScript SK+
pBEF239b parA::lacZ, expressed from parOP in pST52
pBEF250b miniP1 plasmid pLG44 (Funnell and Gagnier, 1995) deleted for parOP and parAHindIII–SacII)
pBEF251 ΔparA version of pEF5 (ΔXhoSacII region of parA from pEF5)
pEF1 seriesa parAs + parB::lacZ, expressed from parOP (from pBEF131)
pEF3 seriesa parAs, expressed from T7 promoter (as pBEF198)
pEF5 seriesa parAs + parB, expressed from blaP1 in pBR322
pEF7 seriesa parAs, expressed from blaP2 in pBR322
pEF8 seriesa parAs + parB, expressed from blaP2 in pBR322

aEach plasmid in these series is denoted as pEFx.y, ‘x’ represents the parent series and ‘y’ represents the parA allele (i.e. wild-type, mutant or null). y = 1 (wild-type parA), 2 (D251N), 3 (D251H), 4 (D152H), 5 (D152N), 6 (K122Q), 7 (K122E), 8 (K122R), 9 (ΔparA: ΔXhoI–BglII).

bpBEF239 and pBEF250 encode resistance to chloramphenicol; all others encode resistance to ampicillin.