Table IV. Plasmids used in this study.
Plasmid | Description |
pBEF101 | parA, expressed from parOP in pBR322 (Funnell, 1988a) |
pBEF116 | parA + parB, expressed from parOP (P1 HindIII–PvuI region in pBR322) |
pBEF131 | parA + parB::lacZ, expressed from parOP [the 19th codon of parB was fused to lacZ in pMLB1034, a translational fusion vector (Silhavy et al., 1984)] |
pBEF198 | parA, expressed from T7 promoter in pET17b (Davey and Funnell, 1994) |
pBEF230 | par XhoI–PvuI fragment in pBlueScript SK+ |
pBEF239b | parA::lacZ, expressed from parOP in pST52 |
pBEF250b | miniP1 plasmid pLG44 (Funnell and Gagnier, 1995) deleted for parOP and parA (ΔHindIII–SacII) |
pBEF251 | ΔparA version of pEF5 (ΔXho–SacII region of parA from pEF5) |
pEF1 seriesa | parAs + parB::lacZ, expressed from parOP (from pBEF131) |
pEF3 seriesa | parAs, expressed from T7 promoter (as pBEF198) |
pEF5 seriesa | parAs + parB, expressed from blaP1 in pBR322 |
pEF7 seriesa | parAs, expressed from blaP2 in pBR322 |
pEF8 seriesa | parAs + parB, expressed from blaP2 in pBR322 |
aEach plasmid in these series is denoted as pEFx.y, ‘x’ represents the parent series and ‘y’ represents the parA allele (i.e. wild-type, mutant or null). y = 1 (wild-type parA), 2 (D251N), 3 (D251H), 4 (D152H), 5 (D152N), 6 (K122Q), 7 (K122E), 8 (K122R), 9 (ΔparA: ΔXhoI–BglII).
bpBEF239 and pBEF250 encode resistance to chloramphenicol; all others encode resistance to ampicillin.