Fig. 2. Requirement for N-terminal regions of WASp in actin assembly. F-actin distribution in stable cell lines expressing the surface receptor CD25–FKBP2 in combination with various FRB–WASp constructs. Control cells cultured in the absence of rapamycin (A, C, E and G). Membrane translocation of FRB–WASp constructs to the cytoplasmic region of CD25–FKBP2 receptors was induced by rapamycin treatment (B, D, F and H). Images shown are confocal sections of the ventral cell surface. (A and B) Wasp105–502, (C and D) WASp418–502, (E and F) WASp238–502, (G and H) WASp196–502. Bar: 10 µm.