Fig. 5. T-DNA integration is accompanied by chromosomal rearrangements in rad50, mre11, xrs2 and lig4 mutants. CHEF-gel analysis of T-DNA integration events in the genome of S.cerevisiae rad50, mre11, xrs2, lig4 and sir4 mutants was studied. Chromosomes from G418-resistant S.cerevisiae colonies obtained after co-cultivation with A.tumefaciens carrying pSDM8000 were isolated, separated on a CHEF gel (left panels in A and B) and blotted on a membrane. The membrane was hybridized with a labelled KanMX probe that anneals to the T-DNA and an autoradiograph was made (right panels in A and B). (A) T-DNA transformed rad50 and lig4 mutants and their isogenic and untransformed wild-type control (C). (B) T-DNA transformed mre11, xrs2 and sir4 mutants and their isogenic and untransformed wild-type control (C). White arrowheads indicate chromosomes with an altered mobility.