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. 2005 Jun 14;7(5):R949–R958. doi: 10.1186/ar1767

Table 1.

Characteristics of the early symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis patients with and without anti-cyclic-citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies

Anti-CCP-negative (n = 228) Anti-CCP-positive (n = 226)
Female [n (%)] 147 (64%) 150 (66%)
Age at inclusion (mean ± standard deviation) 57 ± 17 55 ± 16
Morning stiffness
 No [n (%)] 30 (13%) 30 (13%)
 Yes (min) (mean ± standard deviation) 118 ± 138 123 ± 128
Type of initial joint symptoms [n (%)]a
 Pain 208 (91%) 205 (91%)
 Swelling 146 (64%) 135 (60%)
 Stiffness 106 (46%) 85 (38%)
 Function loss 64 (28%) 57 (25%)
 Redness or increased surface temperature of joints 19 (8%) 26 (12%)
Localization of initial joint symptoms [n (%)]
 Small joints of hands and/or feet 105 (46%) 112 (50%)
 Large joints 54 (24%) 50 (22%)
 Both small and large joints 63 (28%) 59 (26%)
 Unknown 6 (2%) 5 (2%)
Localization of initial joint symptoms [n (%)]
 Upper limbs 114 (50%) 86 (38%)*
 Lower limbs 72 (32%) 77 (34%)
 Both upper and lower limbs 25 (11%) 45 (20%)*
 Unknown 18 (8%) 18 (8%)
Localization of initial joint symptoms [n (%)]
 Symmetric 145 (64%) 130 (58%)
 Asymmetric 71 (31%) 83 (37%)
 Unknown 10 (4%) 13 (6%)
VAS patients' rated global disease activity (0–100) 51.3 ± 39.9 46.7 ± 28.2
HAQ score (mean ± standard deviation) 1.0 ± 0.7 1.0 ± 0.7

VAS, visual analogue scale. HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire.

aPatients can have both swelling and pain at the start of the symptoms and therefore the total can add to more than 100%.

* P < 0.05, anti-CCP-positive versus anti-CCP-negative.