LacZ staining of MRTF-B mutant embryos. Embryos were stained for lacZ expression. At E8.5, staining was apparent in the ventral neural tube and two distinct stripes (arrowheads) in the developing hindbrain (A). LacZ staining is observed in the otic vesicle, heart, dorsal aorta, and branchial arch arteries 1, 2, and 3 at E9.5 (B and C). At E10.5, lacZ expression becomes more widespread, with high level of expression in the first branchial arch (D). LacZ expression is also detected in the third and fourth arch arteries of MRTF-B mutant embryos as shown in the right and left lateral view (E and F). Branchial arch arteries are numbered. ba1, first branchial arch; nt, neural tube; ov, otic vesicle, h, heart; da, dorsal aorta.