Arp2/3 complex |
regulated by Bee1/Las17/WASp and triggers actin polymerization |
Bee1/Las17p |
the yeast homolog of WASp; regulates actin polymerization |
Cdc42p |
a Rho-class GTPase that regulates actin polymerization and other processes; is needed for vacuole fusion |
Gdi1p |
extracts Ypt7p and other Ypt/Rab proteins from the membrane when they are bound to GDP |
HOPS complex |
homotypic fusion and vacuole protein sorting complex (also called Class C VPS complex) includes Vps 11, 16, 18, 33, 39 and 41p. Vps33 is a Sec1p-like SNARE binding protein, Vps39p is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ypt7p |
LMA1 and 2 |
low Mr activities which interact with several catalysts of vacuole fusion |
Nyv1p |
a vacuolar v-SNARE |
Rho1p |
a Rho class GTPase required for vacuole fusion. |
form four helix coiled coils, in cis (on the same membrane) or in trans (on opposed, docked membranes) |
SEC genes |
encode proteins of the secretory pathway |
Sec17p (yeast α-SNAP) |
the co-chaperone of Sec18p |
Sec18p (yeast NSF) |
an ATP-driven chaperone that disassembles cis-SNARE complexes |
the vacuolar ATP-driven proton pump, consisting of V1 (peripheral) domain and V0 (integral) domain |
VAC genes |
required for vacuole inheritance. Vac8p is also needed for fusion. |
VAM genes |
required for low copy number of vacuoles |
Vam3p |
the vacuolar t-SNARE |
Vam7p |
the vacuolar homolog of neuronal SNAREs SNAP23 and SNAP 25; it is a peripheral membrane protein |
VPS genes |
encode proteins needed for sorting between the Golgi, endosome and vacuole |
vacuolar transporter chaperone, a four-membered complex (Vtc1-4) that links the stages of the vacuole fusion reaction |
Vti1p |
a v-SNARE of the vacuole and other organelles |
Ykt6p |
a v-SNARE of the vacuole and other organelles |
Ypt/Rab GTPases |
regulate trafficking as they cycle between GTP and GDP bound forms. Ypt7p is vacuolar |