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. 2002 Mar 15;21(6):1241–1247. doi: 10.1093/emboj/21.6.1241

Table I. Glossary.

Arp2/3 complex regulated by Bee1/Las17/WASp and triggers actin polymerization
Bee1/Las17p the yeast homolog of WASp; regulates actin polymerization
Cdc42p a Rho-class GTPase that regulates actin polymerization and other processes; is needed for vacuole fusion
Gdi1p extracts Ypt7p and other Ypt/Rab proteins from the membrane when they are bound to GDP
HOPS complex homotypic fusion and vacuole protein sorting complex (also called Class C VPS complex) includes Vps 11, 16, 18, 33, 39 and 41p. Vps33 is a Sec1p-like SNARE binding protein, Vps39p is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ypt7p
LMA1 and 2 low Mr activities which interact with several catalysts of vacuole fusion
Nyv1p a vacuolar v-SNARE
Rho1p a Rho class GTPase required for vacuole fusion.
SNAREs form four helix coiled coils, in cis (on the same membrane) or in trans (on opposed, docked membranes)
SEC genes encode proteins of the secretory pathway
Sec17p (yeast α-SNAP) the co-chaperone of Sec18p
Sec18p (yeast NSF) an ATP-driven chaperone that disassembles cis-SNARE complexes
V1V0 the vacuolar ATP-driven proton pump, consisting of V1 (peripheral) domain and V0 (integral) domain
VAC genes required for vacuole inheritance. Vac8p is also needed for fusion.
VAM genes required for low copy number of vacuoles
Vam3p the vacuolar t-SNARE
Vam7p the vacuolar homolog of neuronal SNAREs SNAP23 and SNAP 25; it is a peripheral membrane protein
VPS genes encode proteins needed for sorting between the Golgi, endosome and vacuole
VTC vacuolar transporter chaperone, a four-membered complex (Vtc1-4) that links the stages of the vacuole fusion reaction
Vti1p a v-SNARE of the vacuole and other organelles
Ykt6p a v-SNARE of the vacuole and other organelles
Ypt/Rab GTPases regulate trafficking as they cycle between GTP and GDP bound forms. Ypt7p is vacuolar