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. 2005 Oct 22;331(7522):946–950. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7522.946

Table 4.

Comparison of NHS activity in UK countries

Northern Ireland
1996-7 2002-3 1996-7 2002-3 1996-7 2002-3 1996-7 2002-3
Bed occupancy (%) 81.3 85.4 80.6 81.4 78.3 82.5 78.9 84.3
General practitioner consultations per person 5 4 6 4 5 5 NA* NA*
Outpatient activity
Total appointments/1000 population 842.6 899.8 927.1 931.1 888.7 972.3 852 861.8
New appointments/1000 population 232.5 262.7 256.8 260.7 230.7 252.2 234.4 240.2
Ratio of new to return appointments 2.62 2.43 2.61 2.57 2.85 2.86 2.63 2.59
Inpatient and day case activity
Day cases/1000 population 61 75 75.4 83.1 99 45.6 58.8 81.7
Inpatient admissions/1000 population 171 157 189 188 177 174 180.4 192.6
Crude productivity (No of events/staff member)
Outpatient appointment:
Doctors and dentists 766.0 642.7 618.1 517.3 740.6 694.5 655.4 538.6
Nurses, midwives, and health visitors 168.5 160.7 134.4 125.8 150.6 151.9 121.9 122.6
Hospital admissions:
Doctors and dentists 155.5 112.1 126.0 104.4 147.5 124.3 138.8 120.4
Nurses, midwives, and health visitors 34.2 28.0 27.4 25.4 30.0 27.2 25.8 27.4

NA=Not available= Data not recorded