Fig. 1. Biochemical analysis of the purified IP3Rs. (A) SDS–PAGE of the loading sample and the FPLC fractions around the IP3R peak. The gel was stained with Coomassie Blue. In lane 1, 5.0 µg of the loading sample was applied. Lanes 2–12 correspond to the fractions from the elution volume 6.0–15 ml. A 20 µl aliquot of each fraction was used for each lane. The protein concentration in fractions corresponding to lanes 4–6 was ∼0.1 mg/ml. Fractions corresponding to these lanes were used in all other experiments. A control run of the high molecular weight standards showed that dextran 2000 came out at 7.8 ml and ferritin (437 kDa) at 14.5 ml, which correspond to lanes 4 and 12, respectively. (B) Immunoblotting of the purified IP3Rs with specific antibodies against the type 1, 2 and 3 IP3Rs and an antibody against RyRs (both types 1 and 2). The positive control for the type 2 IP3R antibody was microsomes made from mouse cardiac muscle, and that for the type 3 IP3R antibody was made from renal cells (data not shown). The positive control (CTL) for the RyR antibody was the microsomes made from mouse skeletal muscle.