Figure 2. Phylogenetic Analysis of CG4715 Homologs.
(A) CG4715 has been preserved in its syntenic location in Drosophila species. In species from the takahashii/suzukii species groups like D. lutescens, an additional paralog, CG4715-B (gray shading) is found in tandem orientation. D. ananassae has an additional transposon insertion in this syntenic location between CG4715 and CG4552, while the genomes of D. mojavensis and D. virilis lack CG4715 orthologs between CG4577 and CG4552. For D. ananassae and D. pseudoobscura, sequence was obtained from genome sequencing data (indicated with an asterisk) and confirmed by sequencing.
(B) An “expected” phylogeny of Drosophila species is shown, summarizing results from many genes [30,31].
(C) A neighbor-joining phylogeny of CG4715 orthologs based on C-terminal amino acid sequence is presented. (For some species, only the C-terminal sequence was obtained (indicated by a “p” for partial)). This phylogeny is largely in agreement with the accepted species phylogeny in (B), indicating that the gene has been inherited by strict vertical inheritance. Although there is a slight discordance in phylogenetic placement of the D. ananassae, D. eugracilis, and D. auraria, these branches have only a low bootstrap support. A second lineage of CG4715 paralogs, CG4715-B is evident (gray shading) in the takahashii/suzukii species groups.